Mugdha Godse and Rahul Dev, a beloved couple in the Indian entertainment industry, have released a special booklet and song titled ‘Krsna Vandana.’ The project was initiated under the guidance of their spiritual master, Tarneiv ji.
The ‘Krsna Vandana’ project features a 15-minute-long song sung by Mugdha Godse herself. Rahul Dev has contributed to penning down Mugdha’s beautiful journey in the accompanying booklet, which contains 108 names and qualities of Lord Krishna.
The booklet provides intricate details about how the song’s lyrics and melody received blessings from their spiritual master and how the entire creative process, from composing to singing, unfolded.
Mugdha and Rahul are enthusiastic about sharing this spiritual offering with the world. The booklet and the audio are already available on all leading platforms. This project reflects their dedication to their spiritual path and their commitment to sharing the beauty of Lord Krishna’s qualities through music and literature. Stay tuned for more updates.