Renowned TV actor Mayank Verma, known for his notable performances in shows like “Sadda Haq” (Channel V), “Parvarish 2” (Sony), “Baate Kuch Ankahee Si” (DD1), “Chiku Yeh Ishq Nachaye” (Star Plus), and “Meet” (ZEE TV), is all set to grace ZEE TV’s screens once again in their upcoming serial “Main Hoon Saath Tere.”
In this new venture, Mayank Verma will be stepping into the shoes of a negative character named Nishant Bundella. The show is scheduled to premiere on April 29th, 2024 at 7:30 PM, airing daily. For viewers who prefer online streaming, the episodes will also be available on ZEE 5.
Having previously appeared in over 100 episodes of ZEE TV’s “Meet,” Mayank expresses his excitement about portraying a negative role for the first time. He shares, “I’m thrilled to delve into the realm of villainy as it allows me to explore different facets of my acting abilities.”
Mayank extends his gratitude to Rahul Barve and ZEE Entertainment for their unwavering support throughout his journey in the industry.
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Fans eagerly anticipate Mayank Verma’s performance in this new show, and we extend our best wishes to him for his upcoming venture!