Producer Abhigyan Jha, known for his projects including the late-night show Jay Hind! and Movers & Shakers, is set to revolutionize live entertainment with his bold new improv stage show, FSEX (The Free Speech Experiment), in collaboration with actor Sumit Kaul.
The new live podcast FSEX premiered to enthusiastic responses from a live audience, drawing significant interest from viewers and industry alike. Directed, produced, and led by Abhigyan Jha—creator of Jay Hind! and Movers & Shakers—the podcast features Jha himself alongside actor Sumit Kaul as they tackle complex and often controversial themes, sparking meaningful conversations mixed with humor.
During the live podcast, the audience engaged actively in a Q&A session. Actor Aditya Deshmukh led with thought-provoking questions, joined by celebrities Paritosh Painter, Prapti Shukla, actress Harsha Gupte, and writer-producer Mrinal Jha, who all voiced support for the show’s bold themes and interactive conversations.
Abhigyan Jha shared, “FSEX delves into themes that are usually considered too controversial or too weighty for mainstream entertainment. Launching it as a live interactive podcast event allows us to reach a broad audience. The first show tackled topics like Elon Musk’s Mars settlement plans, the debate over canceling art with its artist on moral grounds, and the state of Indian television content. The discussions were intense and unfiltered, making for an unpredictable and often humorous experience.”
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Actor Sumit Kaul added, “The audience’s reaction has been incredible. Discussing such topics is always a bit of a gamble, but the positive response made it worthwhile. Hearing people’s thoughts and seeing their real-time reactions showed us how deeply FSEX resonates. The show mixes intensity and insight with humor, aiming to start genuine, open conversations.”
FSEX offers a blend of depth and levity to its exploration of relationships, identity, and social norms. Through this live podcast format, Jha and Sumit are breaking barriers around typically avoided topics, making FSEX accessible audiences worldwide. More such live podcasts are in the pipeline after the overwhelming response.