Kartiki Gonsalves, the distinguished Oscar-winning filmmaker known for her work on “The Elephant Whisperers,” has extended her support for environmental causes by joining the jury of India’s largest environmental film festival. The All Living Things Environmental Film Festival (ALT EFF) is renowned for its commitment to showcasing films that address pressing environmental issues, and Kartiki’s involvement adds to the festival’s prestige.
ALT EFF’s Successful History:
ALT EFF has gained recognition as the premier platform for films advocating environmental concerns. Since its inception in 2020, the festival has overcome the challenges of the pandemic, hosting two successful virtual editions with a hybrid format that included on-ground events across India in 2022. This year, the festival is set to expand its reach and impact with a decentralized model.
Decentralized Festival Model:
The success of the decentralized model implemented in 2022 has encouraged ALT EFF to continue this approach for its fourth edition. Over 40 on-ground screenings are planned in various states across India during the festival period. The decentralized format allows the festival to engage with audiences and environmental advocates across the country, reinforcing its position as a leading platform for environmental cinema.
Kartiki Gonsalves’ Presence:
Kartiki Gonsalves’ presence on the festival’s jury is a significant highlight. Her collaboration with Guneet Monga on “The Elephant Whisperers” earned them the prestigious Oscar award in 2023, marking a historic achievement for India. Kartiki’s work, with a strong focus on the environment and nature, aligns perfectly with the festival’s mission.
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Diverse Film Selection:
ALT EFF 2023 features a curated selection of 62 compelling films, comprising Indian and international titles from various genres, including documentaries, short films, and fictional films. These films address various aspects of environmental conservation, sustainability, and the challenges our planet faces. The lineup includes 39 India premieres, promising to engage and inspire audiences with unique perspectives on environmental issues.
Hybrid Festival Experience:
The festival is scheduled to commence on December 1st, 2023, and continue until December 10th, 2023. This year’s edition is designed to cater to a broader audience by offering both virtual screenings and in-person events in key cities across India.
Kartiki Gonsalves’ Perspective:
Kartiki shared her thoughts on joining the festival as a jury member. She emphasized the importance of the powerful stories presented in the films, highlighting the urgency of addressing climate change. She noted that the films showcase the diverse climate change challenges faced by different parts of the world, underlining the need for global awareness and action.
Founder’s Vision:
Kunal Khanna, the festival’s founder, expressed his excitement about taking ALT EFF to audiences across all states of India. He acknowledged the imminent climate crisis and the diverse impacts it will have on individuals. The decentralized format aims to provide opportunities for audiences to engage, learn, and be inspired to take action in the face of these challenges.
Kartiki Gonsalves’ involvement and the decentralized approach are expected to make ALT EFF’s fourth edition a significant event in the realm of environmental filmmaking. With its strong lineup and commitment to raising awareness about environmental issues, the festival continues to be a vital platform for driving positive change and inspiring action.