Aadesh Chaudhary is making a comeback with the show “Maitree” on Zee TV and views it as the perfect opportunity for various reasons. One significant factor is the eagerness of his fans, who have been eagerly awaiting his return and expressing their support. The proximity of the set to his house also adds to the convenience of working on the show.
Aadesh also highlights the positive aspect of the show’s director being a close friend, which played a role in his decision to join. He holds a fondness for “Maitree” and has admiration for his co-star Shrenu Parikh, with whom he has previously worked for an extended period on another show. Considering all these factors, Aadesh made the choice to be part of this project.
Despite the challenges of frequent script changes and the demanding nature of working on a daily soap, Aadesh is feeling good about his role as Yash Thakur in the show. He finds that the character aligns well with his own personality and describes Yash as a man of few words, grounded in his morals, and always willing to help others. Yash’s distinct and unique presence sets him apart in terms of aura and attitude.
Aadesh is receiving wonderful compliments from fans and family members for his portrayal of Yash. His suited-up look has been universally appreciated, not only by his co-actors but also by others. One of the best compliments he received is that his eyes have a way of conveying emotions and speaking volumes, which is highly regarded by those around him. The positive feedback he has been receiving serves as encouragement and motivation for him in his comeback journey