Aneesha Madhok, who studied theater at USC and starred as the lead in the Hollywood movie “Bully High” opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son, is back in Delhi and will be appearing in the musical “Ananda” directed by Muzaffar Ali.
Regarding the musical play “Ananda,” Aneesha expresses that the experience has expanded her view of art, bringing together calmness, creativity, and receptivity. She holds Muzaffar Ali in high regard, describing him as a royal artist for his ability to surrender to art without limitations.
When asked about the potential for musicals in India, Aneesha believes that India is making progress in this genre. Drawing from her studies at the University of Southern California, she aims to elevate the standards of art in India, especially in terms of the talent representing the country.
Discussing her grandeur look in the musical play, Aneesha emphasizes that elegance is a state of mind and cannot be bought. Her outfits for the play are designed by Sama Ali and Meera Ali. Aneesha plays the role of Jhumki, a young seductress who encounters the spiritual enlightenment-seeking character Ananda.
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Kabir Bedi, a well-known actor with a baritone voice, is the narrator of the play. Aneesha describes him as kind, gracious, and globally admired, making it an honor to be part of this production with him.
“Ananda” is scheduled for performances on October 26th and 27th in Delhi. Aneesha hopes that the play will receive a thunderous response from the audience and that it will go on to achieve great success.