Punjab roared with pride and emotion as its beloved son, Sonu Sood, returned to his homeland to promote his upcoming cybercrime-based action extravaganza, Fateh. At the break of dawn, Sonu began his journey at Amritsar’s iconic Golden Temple, seeking blessings for his directorial debut. Knowing that a visit to Punjab is incomplete without its culinary delights, he indulged in an authentic Punjabi lunch at a dhaba, a fitting nod to his roots. The day took a patriotic turn as he reached the Wagah Border to salute the valor of India’s jawans. While at Wagah, Sonu also visited Check Post 102, the historic partition boundary marking India and Pakistan. The crowd present during the ceremony cheered enthusiastically, thrilled to see their homegrown star in such a meaningful setting.
Upon watching the electrifying parade alongside soldiers, Sonu offered them a glimpse of Fateh. Its trailer shows Sonu in the role of an ex-special ops officer with a lethal skill set, on a mission to dismantle a cybercrime network threatening innocent lives. With Jacqueline Fernandez, Naseeruddin Shah, and Vijay Raaz joining him, the film promises to be a gripping ride.
Sonu Sood says, “Punjab is my homeland, and stepping into the role of a director, I knew this journey had to begin at the Golden Temple, where my film opens. Growing up here has shaped who I am, and every return fills me with gratitude and pride. As we prepare to present our film to the audience, seeking blessings at the Golden Temple and witnessing the parade at Wagah Border have been very calming and motivating. The patriotism that this soil instils are treasures I carry with me every step of the way.”
The Divine City of Amritsar embraced Sonu with warmth and affection. Everywhere he went, he was met with cheers and smiles, whether interacting with local cooks at bustling dhabas, tasting freshly made kulchas, or chatting with a local tailor. The day was a heartfelt celebration of Sonu’s roots, steeped in both nostalgia and gratitude.
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Produced by Umesh KR Bansal of Zee Studios and Sonali Sood of Shakti Sagar Productions, co-produced by Ajay Dhama, Fateh, a gripping tale of courage, resilience, and the fight against cybercrime, is slated to release on January 10, 2025.