Kangana Ranaut’s fearless reality show ‘Lock Upp’ has introduced a unique format on OTT, an original homegrown series is buzzing among the Indian audience. The viewers can’t seem to get enough of it with its twists and turns every week. Every kaidi is seen putting his/her best in the tasks to set a benchmark in the show. A recent episode saw the tiff between popular TV actresses Nisha Rawal and the other kaidis of the jail. Nisha who was in the news for revealing the shocking secret of her life, was seen arguing with the kaidis over cleaning vessels of the inmates.
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The contestants of team Orange were given the duty to wash the vessels of the prisoners. While the 3 kaidis for the duty were voted by the contestants, Chetan Hansraj doesn’t seem to be happy as he was one of the 3 kaidis voted for cleaning vessels. As the contestants were deciding on re-voting for the duty, it led to a conflict within the kaidis as Nisha argued against re-voting. What started as a minor disagreement turned into a huge fight.
The show promises to be an engaging captive reality show with all the ingredients that will keep you glued to your seat. A daring celebrity host, compelling tasks, dramatic fights, and an exciting mix of contestants who will do anything and everything to survive in the show’s jail is the perfect recipe for complete entertainment.
MX Player and ALTBalaji live-stream Lock Upp 24×7 on their respective platforms and allow audiences to interact directly with the contestants. Stay tuned to MX Player and ALTBalaji for more updates on the show.