The comedy world’s renowned figure, Rajiv Thakur, who has made audiences laugh with his wit and humor on The Kapil Sharma Show and through his extensive television career, is contemplating a new adventure in the world of reality TV. The upcoming season of the immensely popular dance reality show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11, which is already creating quite a buzz with celebrity judges Arshad Warsi, Malaika Arora, and Farah Khan on board, may see Rajiv Thakur as a potential participant.
Sources close to Rajiv Thakur have indicated that discussions are in progress regarding his potential participation in “Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa.” If this materializes, it would offer him a platform to showcase his dancing talents to a wider audience.
Recently, Rajiv Thakur concluded a highly successful tour, leaving packed audiences in various cities in splits with his impeccable comedy timing. Over the years, he has amassed a devoted fan following and was last seen entertaining viewers on The Kapil Sharma Show. Additionally, he is gearing up for the release of an upcoming Punjabi movie.
It’s noteworthy that Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa is making a comeback to the channel where it originally premiered, marking its return after a 12-year hiatus. The show’s first four seasons were initially aired on this channel, adding to the excitement surrounding its revival.
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As Rajiv Thakur contemplates this exciting transition from comedy to dance, fans eagerly anticipate the possibility of witnessing his talents in a whole new light on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11.