Shivya Pathania is popular for playing her role as _Baal Shiv_’s Parvati. The beautiful and talented actress who has also aced her maby previous characters such as ‘Sanchi’ in _Ek Rishta Saajhedari Ka_ is Indian TV’s very own sweetheart. Adding another feature to her accomplishments, Shivya has now aced the extraordinary by playing 21 different roops of Devi in her on going show _Baal Shiv_. Apart from playing 10 Mahavidya ,she had to adorn almost 15 Roops of Devi Parvati. And as TV schedules demand, it went upto 3 different avatars everyday.
She relays her experience shooting for such a diverse role saying, “It was surely a challenge but a good one at that. Changing yourself to mold in various roles is what acting is all about but when one role demands so many faces, the actor has to up their game. I had a lot of fun while emulating these avatars of the Devi. I feel as an actor, the quality of versatility is blessing. I hope the people appreciate my efforts and enjoy thoroughly.”