Excitement filled the air at Sheemaroo Umang TV as the TV show “Shravani” celebrated completing 250 episodes. The cast Arti Singh, Sonal Khilwani, Manish Goplani, Mohit Sonkar, Amita Khopkar and the entire crew gathered to cut a cake and celebrate.
Arti Singh, one of the main actors, said, “Being part of ‘Shravani’ has been amazing. We’ve become like family.”
Manish Goplani, another actor, added, “Joining ‘Shravani’ has been great. The team is supportive, and it’s been a great experience shooting here. Completing 54 episodes feels special.”
The celebration wasn’t just about numbers. It showed how everyone’s hard work made “Shravani” successful. Produced by Do Dooni 4 Films and led by Ravindra Gautam and Raghuvir Shekhawat, the show has won fans with its interesting story and talented actors. Ravindra Gautam adds, “We are 250 episodes and running means we have the audience’s mandate. The numbers show that they are loving our storytelling.”
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As “Shravani” continues, the team promises to keep entertaining viewers. They look forward to bringing more drama and fun in the upcoming episodes.