Critically acclaimed Hindi feature film Soorma producer Deepak Singh has recently penned down an emotional story on Brother-Sister bonding. The film has been submitted for many international film festivals like Hainan International Film Festival, Lit Off International Film Festival Paris, Toronto Indie Shorts Film Festival, New York Indian Film festival, Shanghai Short Film Festival, Hollywood Shortfest, and Sundance International Film Festival.
Writer, Director & Producer Dr. Deepak Singh is very excited about this journey. His latest venture, ‘Rakshaday Everyday,’ is breaking stereotypes and conventional thought processes that a sister is always protected by her brother. Unlike societal norms, the film beautifully depicts how a sister is also capable of taking care of her brother and protecting him during tough phases in life.
Deepak Singh has written and produced the short film. Talking about the film he said, “Raksha Bandhan is a very popular festival in India, and it is believed that the Rakhi is a symbol of protection. I wanted to break through the traditional belief that only brothers are capable of taking care of their sisters. In this film, we have showcased a very different aspect of the relationship.”
Deepak Singh owns a 16-year-old production house called Galaxy Entertainment. Under his production house, he has produced films like ‘Soorma’ based on the life of hockey player Sandeep Singh, featuring Diljit Dosanjh, Taapsee Pannu and Angad Bedi as well as Hollywood Films ‘Tiger’ and ‘The Bad President’.
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The short film ‘Rakshaday Everyday’ consists of talented theatrical actors like Kaajal Jain, Tapan Singh, Gurpreet Kaur Chadha, and Hirdeyjeet Singh.
The film is co-produced by Vidushi Arora Sood, who was immediately drawn to the story idea and came on board to produce the film.