Auspiciousness and joy filled the air as the Bhoomi Pujan ceremony for ANANTA Navratri2023 unfolded on Sunday, September 24th, 2023, at Kora Kendra Grounds 2 & 3 in BorivaliWest, Mumbai. The ceremony witnessed the presence of MLA Manishatai Chaudhary, and itwas led by Mr. Dinesh Ghate, the organizer, and Mr. Dharmesh Joshi, the music arranger ofAnanta Navratri. Among the esteemed guests were co-organizer Henal Mehta and specialinvitee Mr. Ganesh Naidu, alongside notable figures such as Mr. Amitbhai Kothari, Mr.Navinbhai Chauhan, Mr. Abhijit Phatarpekar, and Mr. Vijay Mehra.The event was followed by a press conference held at RED FM’s Mumbai office, whereDinesh Ghate, the organizer of ANANTA Navratri 2023, and Swar Aalap founder, along withlead performer Drums Shivamani, briefed the attendees about the occasion. Reflecting onthe idea behind Ananta Navratri, Dinesh Ghate stated, “Navratri is a festival of rhythm andfolk-culture, so I thought of bringing the king of rhythm, Drums Shivamani, and the pride ofGujarat, Osman Mir, together. This combination will give Mumbai Garba lovers a uniqueblend of rhythm and culture.” Drums Shivamani added, “For each day, I am designing someunique rhythmic patterns that will create a very different aura, making you dance like neverbefore.” Ananta Navratri 2023 aims to provide its participants a chance to dance to theunique beats of Drums Shivamani and to the songs of Osman Mir, offering a blend of rhythmand culture.About ANANTA Navratri:Swar Aalap is proud to organize ANANTA Navratri 2023, a celebration filled with devotionand enthusiasm, scheduled from October 15th to October 24th, 2023. The festival will unfoldat Kora Kendra Grounds 2 & 3, Borivali West, Mumbai, featuring a lineup of renownedartists, including Drums Shivamani, Osman Mir, Rajendra Gadhavi, Chintan Rana, AmritaBharati, Devika Shah, and music arranger Dharmesh Joshi, alongside 30 talentedmusicians. ANANTA Navratri 2023 is dedicated to introducing a fresh and distinctiveapproach to Navratri celebrations, promising an unforgettable experience for all.