Producer Bhushan Kumar brings two of entertainment’s most loved celebrity couples, actors Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar and music artists Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh together, for a playful romantic track ‘Baarish Mein Tum’.
Penned by Samar, with music by Showkidd and Harsh Kargeti, ‘Baarish Mein Tum’, is a beautiful romantic song about a couple who rediscover their love on a rainy day. Directed by Adil Shaikh, the music video is peppered with intimate and candid moments between real-life couple Gauhar Khan and Zaid Darbar.
Says Zaid Darbar, “Gauahar and I had a blast filming this track. When your partner is around you it just makes things all the more special and the emotions just come naturally.”
Adds Gauahar Khan, “It was indeed a great experience to being a part of this song, especially because I have always admired Neha Kakkar, and Rohanpreet also being a part of it is just like a cherry on cake! ‘Baarish Mein Tum’ is a beautiful song that left us with some wonderful memories. We’ve all worked really hard on this song, and I hope the audience like it.”
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Says Neha Kakkar, “Even though Rohanpreet and I have worked on songs together in the past, ‘Baarish Mein Tum’ truly got us in a romantic zone. The song connects with us on so many levels and I hope fans enjoy it.”
Adds Rohanpreet Singh, “Baarish Mein Tum is a simple but beautiful track which couples in love will completely relate to.”
Talking about the video says director/choreographer Adil Shaikh, “The excitement is in the journey and not the destination. ‘Baarish Mein Tum’ depicts just that. The chemistry between Gauhar and Zaid is heart-warming and fans won’t want to miss it.”
With vocals by Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh, Bhushan Kumar’s Baarish Mein Tum, featuring Zaid Darbar and Gauhar Khan is out now on T-Series’ YouTube channel.