Filmmaker Aditya Ranoliya announces the release date of “The Lost Girl,” a true story about a five-year-old girl separated from her family during the 1984 Sikh riots in Delhi.
- Release date: April 5, 2024
- Production companies: Admake India Media, A.R. Films, A.R. Studios
- Distributor: Kumar Mangat Pathak’s Panorama Studio International Ltd.
Story and Impact:
- The film follows the girl’s resilience as she searches for her family.
- It aims to be an inspirational family film and raise awareness about missing persons.
- Ranoliya highlights the real-life statistics of missing women and girls in India.
Cast and Crew:
- Lead actress: Prachi Bansal
- Other notable actors: Aronica Ranoliya, Bhupesh Singh, Poonam Jangra, Navin Nishad
- Music: Veivek Asthaana
- Cinematography: Farooque Khan
- Lyrics: Apoorva Ashish
- Vocals: Neha Rajpal, Veena Joshi
- Costumes: Simi Ranoliya
- The trailer launches on March 12, 2024.
- The original passage contained promotional language and unnecessary details, which have been removed for a more concise and objective summary.