Celebrity Matrimony Lawyer Anagha Nimbkar has spoken out about the increasing divorce rates in India, which have raised concerns across the country. According to Nimbkar, a lack of commitment and responsibility, along with impatience and intolerance, are some of the key reasons why marriages are failing.
Despite the increasing number of divorce cases in India, Nimbkar notes that the percentage is still much lower compared to other countries in the world. In India, marriage is considered a holy bond made in heaven and is not viewed as a contract that can be easily dissolved. However, in today’s world, people are showing more strength to walk out of marriages that are no longer working for them.
Nimbkar believes that communication and bearing responsibility can help save marriages that are on the brink of failure. She also notes that infrastructure needs to be enhanced to speed up the trial process and that counseling and pre-mediation efforts are crucial before filing for divorce. In addition, Nimbkar advocates for divorce via mutual consent, as it allows both parties to write their own judgment and start afresh.
When going for divorce with mutual consent, Nimbkar advises weighing out genuine needs with leisurely needs and focusing on joint parenting for the sake of the children. According to Nimbkar, it is essential to put the happiness of children above the need for ego satisfaction.
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Sharing a case history, Nimbkar recounts an ongoing battle between two parties that has lasted over 25 years. The pain and suffering caused by this petty revenge could have been avoided if the parties had let go of their differences and moved on. Nimbkar believes that if people had enough self-love, they would find salvation and avoid such unfortunate outcomes.
In conclusion, Nimbkar believes that marriage is a sacred bond, and every effort should be made to save it before resorting to divorce. However, when it becomes inevitable, mutual consent should be the preferred option, as it can help parties move on in a peaceful and amicable manner