Ace comedian actor Navin Prabhakar talks about his 2022 achievements and his wishes for the year 2023. He says, “The year 2022 is coming to an end and looking back I would say it was quite exciting. I have learnt many new things and at the same time I have achieved a few financial goals through my work.” He also adds, “I could also travel and be with my friends and celebrate all the festivals. I mention all of this because personal space is very important.”
Navin also shares his take on the challenges in career.
He adds, “I must say career take off is not easy as before but In 2022 there was a perfect balance between personal and professional life. Initially there were few confusions regarding balancing time between my acting and stand up comedy but finally I succeeded to balance both. I am quite content with the live show feedback this year, and in 2023 I am preparing for my live standup shows in a bigger way. Next year I would like to give myself and my audience a perfect standup 2 hours show which will redefine the meaning of standup comedy shows in India. It will be a classic standup show with a perfect entertainment package. I am working on the concept now and I am confident about the final outcome.”