&TV’s popular shows Doosri Maa, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai have some exciting tracks coming up in the upcoming week. In Doosri Maa, Yashoda (played by Neha Joshi) begins her quest to prove Krishna’s (Aayudh Bhanushali) innocence, leading to unexpected twists and turns. Meanwhile, Happu (Yogesh Tripathi) is shocked to learn about Bimlesh’s (Sapna Sikarwar) kleptomania in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, and the khandani haar goes missing. In Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, Vibhuti (played by Aasif Sheikh) becomes a blogger, while Anita (Vidisha Srivastava) recommends a new girl for Tiwari’s (Rohitash Gaud) brand endorsement.
Ashok, one of the writers of Doosri Maa, revealed, “To prove Krishna’s innocence, Yashoda begins looking for the auto driver who is the sole witness. But Kamani comes up with a plan and pays the driver to stop helping them. The auto driver kidnaps them as soon as they approach him. However, a situation arises when Yashoda reveals to the family about Krishna being Ashok and Mala’s son.”
Bimlesh, the character played by Sapna Sikarwar in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, faces a new challenge when her kleptomania is revealed. Bimlesh’s stealing habit creates chaos at Katori Amma’s house, and the khandani haar goes missing. In Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, Vibhuti turns into a blogger, while Anita refuses to model for Tiwari’s brand and recommends a new girl instead. Angoori, who hired Saxena to spy on Tiwari, informs her that he has met a girl. Vibhuti then asks Tiwari to hire him for brand endorsement after becoming famous.
Make sure to tune in to Doosri Maa at 8:00 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV. These upcoming tracks are a must-watch for all the fans of these shows. Stay tuned for more exciting updates