Salman Khan fans have an exciting opportunity to meet the Bollywood superstar on the sets of BIGG BOSS. Glance, a leading lockscreen platform, has launched the #YehSmartHaiBoss contest, providing participants with a chance to win an exclusive meeting with Salman Khan.
The contest, running from November 1st to December 31st, allows fans to participate for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the BIGG BOSS house and meet Salman Khan. Three lucky winners will be selected at the end of the contest period.
Glance offers over 25 unique shows and activities centered around BIGG BOSS on its smart lock screen, allowing fans to stay immersed in the excitement of the show. The ongoing season of Colors’ Bigg Boss 17 has garnered significant attention for its mix of conflicts, friendships, and romances within the house, keeping viewers engaged with each episode. BIGG BOSS airs every Monday to Friday at 10:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 pm on COLORS.