Renowned producer-director Vikram Sandhu recently marked the commencement of his upcoming film, referred to as “Production No. 2,” with a grand mahurat and photo shoot at Empire Studio in Mumbai. This film is already gaining attention due to its unique blend of foreign and Indian locations. While the title has yet to be finalized, Vikram Sandhu has exciting plans for the film.
Foreign Locations:
Vikram Sandhu announced that 50 percent of the film will be shot at exquisite and unexplored locations in London and Europe. This international flavor is expected to add a distinct and captivating element to the movie.
Indian Locations:
The film’s shooting will also encompass multiple locations in India, starting with its inaugural stint in Jammu, Pathankot, Kurukshetra, Panipat, Ahmedabad, Kanpur, and Delhi.
Other Projects:
Vikram Sandhu has several other projects in the works, including a multi-lingual film titled “MALTA 1996” in 7 languages, set to release in December 2025, and the film “HARI SINGH NALUA,” which is currently in production.
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Vikram Sandhu’s Work:
Vikram Sandhu is known for his extensive portfolio of films and music videos that have received critical acclaim and resonated well with audiences. For “Production No. 2,” he is co-producing the film with Jagtar Singh (Mickey Sandhu). The project is being managed by Gautam Sharma, Janet serves as the Casting Director, and Bhavesh is responsible for production management.
Unique and Engaging Story:
Vikram Sandhu highlighted the uniqueness and engaging nature of the film’s script, ensuring that it will entertain and captivate audiences. The story has been carefully crafted to keep viewers hooked. Vikram Sandhu is leaving no stone unturned to create a grand-scale production that will feature spectacular locations. The pre-production and preparations for the film are in their final stages, promising an extraordinary cinematic experience.