Mohan announces to celebrate Holi with his family and friends in the latest episode of “Pyar Ka Pehla Naam: Radha Mohan.” The show produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD, features an ensemble cast including Shabir Ahluwalia, Neeharika Roy, Keerti Nagpure, Reeza Choudhary, Sambhabana Mohanty, Swati Shah, Manisha Purohit, Brij Kishore Tiwari, Kajal Khanchandani, Rajendra Lodhia, Pooja Kava, Sumit Aroraa, and Ranveer Singh Malik.
The episode begins with Damini expressing her concern about Radha and Mohan’s closeness. She had tried to separate them earlier, but Bhushan’s imprisonment brought them closer. Tulsi explains that Mohan’s support for Radha is due to her one-sided love for him. Gungun and Ajeet suggest that Radha should ask for chocolates and honeymoon tickets from Mohan, while Ketki teases the couple.
Later, Kadambari apologizes to Ketki and Radha for failing as a mother and mother-in-law. Mohan then announces that they will all celebrate Holi together and distributes Bhaang to everyone. The family members dance and enjoy the festivities. Mohan picks up Radha and takes her to his room, but Damini tries to follow them.
While Radha tells Mohan that she is feeling dizzy, Damini opens the window and sees Mohan trying to kiss Radha. The episode ends on a dramatic note, leaving the audience wondering what will happen next.
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Overall, the latest episode of “Pyar Ka Pehla Naam: Radha Mohan” was full of twists and turns. The show’s gripping storyline and talented cast make it a must-watch for fans of Indian television dramas