Rohit Suchanti, known for his role as Rishi in Zee TV’s “Bhagya Lakshmi,” showcased his cricket skills on the sets of the show. Taking breaks from their hectic shooting schedule, Rohit and his co-star Aman Gandhi engage in friendly cricket matches with the crew, including the camera person, light man, spot dada, and security guards.
Rohit mentioned that cricket is a sport loved by everyone in India, transcending age and gender barriers. The impromptu matches on the set create a sense of camaraderie among the cast and crew. Rohit and Aman are often on the same team and have a winning streak, contributing to the bond they share on and off the screen.
While the actors enjoy their cricket matches during breaks, the show’s plot continues to unfold with intriguing twists. The recent episodes highlighted the preparations for Neelam’s birthday party, with Malishka, played by Smita Bansal, scheming to create a rift between Rishi and Lakshmi.
The playful cricket matches on the set offer a glimpse into the off-screen camaraderie of the “Bhagya Lakshmi” team, creating a positive and enjoyable atmosphere during breaks from the intense shooting schedule.