Urvashi Rautela, the youngest superstar of the Indian film industry, continues to make waves with her latest collaboration with music sensation Yo Yo Honey Singh. The duo, known for their hit song ‘Love Dose,’ is all set to captivate audiences once again with their upcoming music video titled ‘Second Dose,’ also known as ‘Vigdiyan Heeryan.’
The first look of the music video has been released, sparking excitement and anticipation among fans worldwide. Urvashi Rautela stuns in a sky-blue attire worth 5 lakhs, exuding elegance and sensuality in the captivating visuals. The image has quickly gone viral, signaling the immense popularity and anticipation surrounding the release.
Yo Yo Honey Singh expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, “Urvashi Rautela is the most beautiful girl in the world, and that’s why I casted her in ‘Love Dose.’ The last collaboration for ‘Love Dose’ was a massive success, and the public demand for a sequel since the last 10 years has been immense. Finally, we are delivering it for the fans. Join us on 15th March, 2024, for what promises to be another entertaining chapter in the ‘Love Dose’ journey.”
‘Love Dose’ became an iconic chartbuster, leaving a lasting impact with its infectious rhythm and vibrant energy. The chemistry between Urvashi Rautela and Yo Yo Honey Singh contributed to its timeless popularity, setting high expectations for their upcoming release.
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Aside from her music ventures, Urvashi Rautela has a slew of exciting projects lined up in Bollywood, including ‘Welcome 3’ with Akshay Kumar, ‘NBK109’ with Bobby Deol, Dulqueer Salman, and Nandamuri Balakrishna, ‘Baap’ (a remake of Hollywood blockbuster ‘Expendables’) with Sunny Deol and Sanjay Dutt, ‘Inspector Avinash 2’ with Randeep Hooda, ‘Black Rose,’ and an upcoming biopic titled ‘JNU,’ where she portrays the role of a college politician.
Fans eagerly await the release of ‘Second Dose’ to witness the magic created by Urvashi Rautela and Yo Yo Honey Singh once again, promising an unforgettable musical experience.