Vedvika, who has been on a high streak of success in the Telugu industry, has reportedly signed her next movie as the lead. The movie is set to go on floors soon, and Raj Thalluri is the director of the film. Praveen Reddy and Vasudeva Rao are producing the venture under My3 Arts banner.
Vedvika’s high-budget Telugu film, “Spark,” directed by Aravind Kumar Ravivarma, is in post-production, where she is playing alongside Mehreen Pirzada. She is also expecting her next film with Avasarla Srinivas as the lead to be completed in the coming months.
Before she wraps up her prior commitment, Vedvika has bagged this new and interesting Telugu film, which she announced in her official Instagram handle @vedvika_. Vedvika is riding high on success with her debut Haryanvi song “Affair,” which has become an internet sensation in the Haryanvi industry.
Vedvika’s Kannada debut with the acclaimed Shaan directorial is also nearing completion. She is in high demand by upcoming brands and is constantly working with leading textile and jewellery brands of Hyderabad and Bangalore.
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Reportedly, she has also been approached from the Tamil and Malayalam industry to play the lead, and her Bollywood entry is also expected soon.
Vedvika’s stardom is on the rise, and she is expected to have five movie releases this year, with many more strong lineups of projects in the cards.
Vedvika’s fans are eagerly waiting for her new movie launch, which is sure to be a blockbuster hit. You can check out the launch teaser of Vedvika’s new movie on this YouTube link –
. Stay tuned for more updates on Vedvika’s upcoming projects and releases