Versatile actor Akshay Oberoi is set to make a groundbreaking entry into the world of animation, lending his distinctive voice to a stop-motion picture for the very first time. The project, an animated series, promises to be a unique and immersive experience for audiences worldwide.
The Innovative Technology:
Describing the innovative technology used in the film, Akshay Oberoi shares his experience of working on this motion-capture film. The technology is cutting-edge, and the end result is captivating. The process involved wearing specially designed helmets and gear, moving within a designated space, while a video camera captured their movements. This data was then used to create the mesmerizing animation sequences in the film. Akshay highlights that this technique has been used effectively in Hollywood productions like “Lord of the Rings,” “Happy Feet,” “The Adventures of Tintin,” and “Planet of the Apes.”
Based on Acclaimed Book:
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The film is based on the acclaimed anthology book “Magical Creatures of Mumbai’s Underbelly” by Sneha Sapru. Directed by Aayushman Pandey, the project aims to create an Indian series in the vein of the popular “Love Death + Robots” animated series, currently streaming on Netflix.
Akshay Oberoi’s Role:
Akshay Oberoi portrays the character Dev, who is thrust into a world of mystery and enchantment. Dev’s journey begins when his boss sends him to Kamathipura, Mumbai’s famed red-light district. He expects a night of revelry, but little does he know that the person he encounters in the brothel is no ordinary being but a creature fashioned in the image of Poseidon.
A Visual and Emotional Experience:
The combination of Akshay Oberoi’s distinctive voice and mesmerizing stop-motion animation promises to deliver a viewing experience that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant.
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[Note: This article discusses Akshay Oberoi’s debut in the world of animation with a stop-motion capture film titled “Kamathipura.” It emphasizes the innovative technology used in the film and the unique storyline based on a book. Akshay Oberoi’s role in the film and the promise of a visually and emotionally captivating experience are highlighted.]