Actor Rohit Mehta, who has done short films, such as Who’s Bra is this, Pardon, which was in fact one of the most viewed short films on Hotstar and Upma, and feature film Veer Gometesha, visited Qatar recently. He has the chance of watching the FIFA World Cup!
“It was an out-of-the-world experience for me. I have been watching football since the age of 12 , so for me it’s like a dream come true. Watching a football match live was beyond words. It was a dream and got fulfilled and the madness they have for football is magical. I don’t think any other sport has it. For the finals, I am supporting Argentina, I really want to see Messi lift that world cup. Ronaldo is already out so fingers crossed for the Goat Messi,” he says.
He adds, “Apart from football, Qatar is an extraordinary country. Being a small size country, they have outdone themselves honestly. The way they hosted this event, they wrote history. Transport was totally free in bus and metro. There were helpers all over the place. There was no chance that you could get distracted as their management was top-class. I have been to Qatar Museum, Fan Fest, Desert Safari and been to a party place called Kiara. I ate the most famous dessert there which was Kunafa and Basbousa. Overall Qatar is a must-go place that is rich in culture, food, and adventure.”